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Guided city tour

” A fun route with expert guide that leads past alleys, shopping streets, harbors and many monumental buildings. A step back in time! “

That way you won’t miss anything!

In Enkhuizen it seems in many places as if time
has stood still. Be surprised during a
beautiful city walk led by
a guide.

The guide will tell you all the fun facts and trivia about Enkhuizen and show you the most beautiful places. So you can be sure you won’t miss a thing!

City tour – booking for a group

If you are with a group, we can customize a walk especially for your party.

Using the button below you can book a guided city walk. After your reservation we will do our best to find you a guide. If we have found a guide you will receive a confirmation by e-mail. The reservation is final at that moment.

Do you have any special wishes?
Let us know in the “particulars” box and we will see if that is possible.

Book early!
Reserve preferably at least 2 business days prior to the date of the city tour.

A completed reservation form is not yet a confirmation of the walk. We have a fairly small pool of experienced guides and depend on their availability.

The walk takes about 1.5 hours.

Start and end point

The starting point of each walk is on the little square in front of the tourist office, located at Tussen Twee Havens 1. The end point? That is up to you. In consultation we can choose the final destination according to your wishes.

€7.50 per person.
With a minimum of €75.
Maximum of 15 people per guide.

Calculation example:
* 5 persons: 1 guide of minimum € 75. Total € 75.
* 15 people: 15 x € 7.50 = € 112.50 (1 guide)

The above charges do not apply to cruise ships.

Invoice, payment and cancellation

You will receive the invoice by email. When a guide has been arranged for you, we will send you a confirmation by email and the reservation is final. The reservation cannot be cancelled afterwards..