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Spotting butterflies and dragonflies IVN

Sunday 28 July 2024, 14:00 – 16:00 uur

Dragonflies come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Blue, red, yellow-black or speckled. They already existed in the time of the dinosaurs and to this day they still fly around and along ditches, ponds and streams. What do you think when you see butterflies, with their sometimes beautiful colors and drawings? They also come in countless shapes and sizes, but where can you find them? Where can you spot butterflies and dragonflies?

On Sunday, July 28, Hans Verhoeven, nature guide at the IVN, will give a special butterfly and dragonfly tour through the Streekbos. From 2 p.m. he lets his trained eyes glide over the landscape, past flowers, shrubs, reed plumes and the water surface. Where do these colorful fluttering birds live, how do they live and how do they provide new generations of butterflies and dragonflies? Take a walk and learn all about these fascinating insect groups.

The tour starts at the Visitor Center in the Streekbos Pavilion.

  • To register: (before July 27),
  • Location: IVN Visitor Center in Streekbos Paviljoen, Veilingweg 21a, 1611 BN Bovenkarspel.
  • Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
  • Costs: Members IVN & KNNV € 2.00. Non-members from 13 years €4.00
  • Children up to 12 years old are free thanks to the ABZ Seeds Andijk sponsorship contribution.
  • Payment via a payment request is possible.
  • Intended for: 6 years and older